Local time in Kiraoli, India

1:07:03 AM


Information about Kiraoli

Population 21,026
Country India
Region Uttar Pradesh, Agra
TimeZone Asia/Kolkata
Flag The flag of India
Latitude 27.15
Longitude 77.78333
UTC Offset 05:30:00
Daylight Saving True
Country Dialing Code
Dialing Area Code(s)

Daylight length

The length of the day in Kiraoli is
12 hours 17 Minutes

Night time length

The length of the night in Kiraoli is 11 hours 43 Minutes

Solar Noon

The sun reaches its highest position in the sky in Kiraoli at 7:43 AM

Moon Phase

The current moon phase in Kiraoli is Full Moon


The elevation (altitude) of Kiraoli is 172 Metres

Main Airports

Indira Gandhi International Airport
106.25 Miles
Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport
362.38 Miles
Sialkot Airport
424.43 Miles
Benazir Bhutto International Airport
526.33 Miles

Small Airports

Dhanipur Airstrip
53.89 Miles
Band Tal Airport
84.71 Miles
Hindon Air Force Station
110.62 Miles
Bhilwara Airport
115.85 Miles